Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Modern methods and classrooms


  1. In this photo there is a nice equipped classroom, maybe you saw we I could have it!
    In the school where I teach now there is no longer a computer room, but in my class there is the LIM and my students use the tablet that the school provides

  2. There are no specific classrooms to teach history in our school. But all the classrooms have a smartboard wtih very good internet connections. We have a lot of digital maps, documentaries and films.

  3. Hello from Athens, Greece and Theodora Chandrinou. It is important to use the Art lesson as a tool in order to teach History also. Thank you!

  4. noi abbiamo aule poco attrezzate, così devo utilizzare il metodo BYOD. I like it, ma la difficoltà è condividere le opere create

    1. Sorry, this is in English: we have poorly equipped classrooms, so I have to use the method BYOD. I like it, but the difficulty is to share works created
